The video gaming industry is a tough and competitive industry. It’s an industry that if one wants to be successful in they must grab it by the balls and grip it tightly.
The largest social gaming company, Zynga, has been Under Fire as of late with numerous lawsuits, complaints and accusations that Zynga infringes upon copyrights and may even have been involved in some insider trading.
Meanwhile, other social gaming companies are up to doing business as usual. That is that they are trying to develop the next cutesy unicorn, rainbow, fluffy bunny, paint it pink mega hit game.
That is, all except for one. One company is busy trying to hire some peeps. They are looking for some in-your-face, knock-em down to size talent that can get the job done and take that set of steel balls and twist and bend them into a wrecking ball. I am talking about Kixeye.
Kixeye released a recruiting video that just made me bust one of my steel balls. Before you check it out for yourself you should be warned that this video contains some material that may not be suitable for younger audiences;
Now on with the show;
Published on Jul 31, 2012 by Kixeye
If you're a rockstar game maker and you don't want to put your talents towards cow clicking and virtual pet cuddling, we might have a place for you on our team. We're hiring:
As you can see from the video Kixeye isn’t looking for a Unicorn because they already have one.
The video does give us a Kixeye view of other popular gaming companies.
If you look closely at the images you just might notice some Easter eggs that a fluffy bunny left for us to find.
Will Harbin is the badass CEO of Kixeye.
Will Harbin and his Kixeye have developed games like Backyard Monsters, Battle Pirates and War Commander.
![]() Choose your weapon. Choose your gaming company. |
On a side note;
Why doesn’t Mafia Wars have a gun case in our game lobby?
And a real live shark tank in your press room too……?
We Mafia Wars players love it!
We want to know when you will be developing your version of a crime genre game that doesn’t have a petting zoo and Carnival Crates?