
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Facebook yesterday announced several changes to how games work on the Platform, including that stories about game may be published to the news feeds of a user’s friends, including non-gamers, when the play a game for more than 15 minutes or complete an in-game objective. Depending on their prevalence in the news feed, game usage and achievement stories could help developers gain new users for free, but could also clutter the news feeds of people who don’t care about games.
To help users avoid annoying their friends, Facebook will add a new privacy setting that allows them to define on an app-by-app basis who an app can share with. The setting will default to “friends” but users can select to prevent the publishing of game discovery, usage, and achievement stories to news feed and the new Games Ticker.

Ice Seasons To Come

There were 4 more Ices Seasons loot items in our inventory over a week ago so we know we have at least 4 more weeks of these. Here are the loot items for the next 4 weeks.

Ice Season Six

Ice Season Six Is Under Way. Another Week, Another 1000 Ices. Just One More Big Reward That The Little Fella's Won't Get. But Remember, Zynga Is Keeping The Playing Field Balanced By Separating The Top Players From The Newcomers Even Further. So Crack Your Knuckles And Start Clicking The Mouse And Beat Those Lower Levels To A Pulp 'Cause We Know They Can't Fight Back.

This Time The Reward Is A Nice, Ice Cold Blue SUV. It'll Look Good In Your Garage.

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