
Thursday, February 23, 2012

How to Remove Facebook Timeline

Group Pages

The Facebook Timeline IS Rumored to Launch February 29th

featured image

As More And More People Get The New Facebook Timeline There Are More And More People Asking The Question ‘How To Remove The Facebook Timeline?’. Many People Who Have Experienced, Or Even Seen, The Facebook Timeline Say They Do Not Like It. Some People Are Even Calling It Such Things As ‘FACESPACE’. The Point Is If We Liked MYSPACE Then We’d Be Using MYSPACE. We Like Facebook The Way It Was. 


Time May Be Running Out On You If You Still Enjoy The Old Layout And Platform. February 29th Is The Newest Rumored Date For The Timeline To Become A Global Profile For All Of Facebooks Users.

Jamie Lipson


Facebook Timeline For Pages Rumored to Launch February 29th

Since Timeline began rolling out for individual user’s profiles, much debate has centered on whether Timelines would eventually be applied to Pages. Some felt that this only made sense, given the inherent desire to have a consistent user experience across the entire Facebook platform. Others felt that the Timeline concept wouldn’t translate as well to the very different needs and goals of businesses using social media. This debate now seems to be over , as mass speculation points towards February 29th as the launch date for Timeline for Pages. This would coincide with the invitation only Facebook Marketing Conference, the keynote of which will be streamed live here.

So, How Do We Get Our Old Facebook Back If We Don’t Want The Timeline?


There Are Many Websites And Facebook Apps That Are Promising To Remove The Timeline From Your Account. I Have Heard That Some Of These Applications Work And Some People Love Them. I Have Also Heard That If You Use Them Others Who View Your Profile Will Still See Your Profile As The Timeline Unless They Have The Application Installed Also.


I Do Not Condone Nor Recommend The Use Of Any Of These Applications. Use These Applications At Your Own Risk.


Some Of The Applications And Websites That I Have Found Include;

Social Fixer

Social Fixer




Read More About The Social Fixer Here.


Timeline Remover


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FB Purity
F.B. Purity


These Are Just A Few Of The Sites And Apps That Promise To Remove The Timeline. I Repeat, Use These At Your Own Risk. We Do Recommend Doing Your Research Before You Add Any Of These (Or Other) Extensions And/Or Apps To Your Computer And Browser.

Ice Season 18 – Ed The Mechanic

Ed the Mechanic [171/117]

Ice Season 18Ice Season 18 Is Now Open And You Have Less Than 6 Days To Get 1000 Ices. You Need To Average 167 Ices Per Day In Order To Acquire 1000 Ices Within This Time Frame. Since Many Players Don’t Even Meet This For The Family Progressions This Can’t Be Good With The DAU Dropping. 


The Reward Is A Henchman Called ‘Ed The Mechanic’. I Tell You, He Ain’t That Good Of A Mechanic If He Screwed Around And Only Made Ice Season Worse Than It Was Before. He Broke More Than He’s Fixed.

Ice Season 18 Rewards

Not Only That, The Milestone Rewards Are Also The Same As Previous Ice Seasons.

Ice Season 18 Bronze

Ice Season 18 Silver

Ice Season 18 Gold

Ice Season 18 RubyIce Season 18 Diamond

5 Things I Would Change About Mafia Wars, by Misty Dady

5 Things I Would Change About Mafia Wars

By Misty Dady

Have you ever thought “I’d love to change ___ about Mafia Wars”? I know, I know, silly question. Of course you have! Today I saw the DAU (daily active users) has fallen below half a million players, according to App Data. I’ve never seen it that low. Players continue to get bored or sick of what some now call “Mafia Chores”.

Hi, I’m Misty, an author of the Mistyfied Mafia Wars blog and fan page. We’ve been around for 2 years this April. I’ve been playing Mafia Wars for 3 years this May.

On the Mistyfied blog, some of our admins have posted a series of articles regarding items they would personally like to see changed about Mafia Wars. I give you my personal list of things I would change, for all you Mafia Spirit fans. These are my ideas of how Zynga should handle Mafia Wars and certain game features. Somewhere along the line, Zynga took the wrong garden path and followed number spikes instead of loyal players, and now here we are.
  1. Firstly, I would reinstitute some form of means by which Zynga and Mafia Wars programmers, designers, and community managers have an open forum with the players. The forums don’t work. PAC didn’t work, although not for lack of trying on our parts. After the exit of 2 community managers who worked with us, we slid off of Zynga’s priority list. Get Satisfaction didn’t work, either. Believe it or not, many Zyngons who work with Mafia Wars and other games want to hear player feedback, but Zynga's business model of the Almighty Dollar doesn't give heed.

  2. Cut the event fatigue! There's just too much going on in the game at one time. Zynga is too focused on their “metrics”, which unfortunately mean nothing in terms of player enjoyment—that silly little thing that keeps us coming back for more. They like their number spikes, and don’t concern themselves with the following valleys. It makes no sense, in terms of business or gaming, but Zynga refuses to listen.

    We need a game that isn’t so frenetic that, if we’re forced to be away for a few days, we don't run away screaming when we log in and see everything we're behind on. I faced this situation personally just two weeks ago, after the death of a family member. I had to be away for several days, and on top of all that I’m a college student with a sizable class load. Mafia Wars has now fallen by the wayside, sad to say, because I couldn’t keep up, lost interest, and honestly? I started dreading logging in.

  3. So let’s talk game. One of the first things that comes to mind is those help limits. “You have already helped 5 people today.” How many times have you cussed at your computer monitor over that? I could start counting…but I’d fall asleep! I understand why limits are in place, truly I do, but 5 or even 10 helps per feed is just too low. I thought this was a social game! Something more realistic that would keep us online and playing longer would be 25 or so, similar to job helps. Or make it 5-10 helps per 4 hours.

  4. Mission events shouldn’t detract so much from our regular game play. Some of the requirements involve multiple thousands’ worth of energy! For a balanced player like myself, that can slow me down for days, and cause me to make no progress in other areas--which is frustrating. Then again, many players have the energy and time, and will be proclaiming their boredom within minutes of an event’s release, so maybe another approach would be to scale the energy cost of a mission-required job to a player’s overall ability. I would like that much more.

  5. Lastly—let’s get rid of that ZMC pop-up every single time we enter the game! Is that really necessary? It slows the overall loading of the game, and for those of us who jump between the game and our news feed regularly, it’s a pain. Especially when the ZMC is empty! Ever miss out on a good Daily Take post because the ZMC loads over the Daily Take pop-up? I know I have!
I know we all have our own ideas about how to better the Mafia Wars experience for everyone. These are just some of my thoughts that come to mind. We at Mafia Spirit and Mistyfied Mafia Wars would love to hear YOUR ideas. If you liked these ideas, please share this article with your Facebook friends, we would appreciate it!

Stranger’s SWAG – Solar Glide Drone (borrowed)

Solar Glide Drone

Solar Glide Drone The Stranger Has Certainly Been Busy Lifting Items Off Of The Don. The Stanger’s Swag Has Now Brought Us The Solar Glide Drone. I Think The Don Better Start Checking His Inventory Since It Would Seem To Be Getting Quite Low.




For Thursday, February 23, 2012

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