
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Robbing Spree Overview

Robbing Spree FeedRobbing Spree Welcome 2

A ‘NEW’ event called ‘ROBBING SPREE’ is now available. Note; a player needs to be at least on Level 15 to be able to play this feature.

Robbing Spree Banner

Before you start you should learn how to play this feature. Here’s How To Play Robbing Spree; Robbing Spree How To Play 1

Robbing Spree How To Play 2

Since you can’t even begin Robbing without collecting Knob Wrenches we’ll start by explaining how to collect them.

How To Play 1 Knob Wrench


blog.mafiawars.com Robbing Spree

Q: How can I get Knob Wrenches?
: You can obtain the part - Knob Wrench through various modes which include Requests, Feeds, Jobs and buying the parts using Reward Points. Below are the details:

Requests: You can get 20 Knob Wrenches by accepting Requests from your friends. Once you have accepted 20 requests in a day, the excess Knob Wrenches lying in your request box will be converted to Blue Mystery bags.
Feed Posts: You can post a feed every 2 hours and get a maximum of 5 Knob Wrenches per feed when your friends click on it. You can earn up to a total of 20 Knob Wrenches per day. Please note that once you have collected 20 items from your feed posts in a day, you will still be able to post the feeds but will not receive the parts until the daily limit timer resets. The daily limit timers reset at 00:00 AM PST.
For example: If you posted consecutive feeds from 6:00 AM to 02:00 PM Pacific Time and collected 5 parts from each of them (5x4 Feed posts = 20 Parts), you will reach the daily limit. You will not receive parts any further till Midnight (Pacific Time) of the same day (as the daily limit timer resets at Midnight Pacific Time).
By clicking on your friends’ Feed posts: You can earn up to 5 Knob Wrenches per day by clicking on the feed posts published by your friends.
Jobs: You can get up to 5 Knob Wrenches per day as loot drops while doing jobs.

Knob Wrench Begin With 15 Initially Start With 15
Knob Wrench Accept From ZMC 20 Free Gifts In Your ZMC 20
Knob Wrench Ask Requests 20
Knob Wrench Send 1 Clicking On Friends Feed Posts 5
Knob Wrench Jobs Max 5 From Jobs 5
Lock Pick Bonus Lock Pick Bonus

* Note; Not Everyone Will Be Lucky Enough To Acquire These 5
Up To 5

Once you have 10 Knob Wrenches you are now able to start the game by clicking the ‘GO ROB’ button.

Robbing Spree Go Rob 1You will be taken to the ‘neighborhood’ where you can rob 1 of 4 different types of houses.

Robbing Spree House 1 Robbing Spree House 2 Robbing Spree House 3 Robbing Spree House 4
How To Play 4

Houses Have

The Houses have:

Alarm:  Triggers a single alarm.

2x Alarm:  Triggers two alarms.

Knob Wrenches:  Use this to Peek, start a new game, or enter a new block.

Half Skill Points:  Find the other half before you click on "Grab Haul" to get 1 full Skill Point.

Energy/Stamina Refill:  Refills 5% of your maximum Energy/Stamina.

City Cash:  London Pounds to help you master the city of London.

Boosts:  3 Absinthe, 3 Jukebox, 3 Vampire Batting and 3 Ruthless

Items:  Falkland Islands Wolf, Gooey Choco, Lights Out. Rob same item to increase its mastery.

Falkland Islands Wolf Levels Falkland Islands Wolf
Gooey Choco Levels Gooey Choco
Lights Out Levels Lights Out


The ‘neighborhood’ or robbing board looks like this;

Robbing Spree Rob Houses You should also notice the clock that indicates the amount of time left for this event.

I must say that so far I am liking this feature. I also got a bit excited since this feature reminded me of a suggestion I posted on Mafia Spirit Blog back in April.


A Few Suggestions For Mafia Wars

What We Are Suggesting Is A New City, If You Will, That We Will Call The ‘Neighborhood’. Like All Cities The ‘Neighborhood’ Will Have Jobs For Players To Do. The Difference Between The ‘Neighborhood’ And All Other Destinations Should Be That Your Entire Family Would Have To Contribute To Each Of The Jobs.

No, this isn’t exactly what I suggested. But the use of the ‘Neighborhood’ idea is a nice variation of what I had in mind.

How To Play 5
  How To Play 6

As you hover your mouse over the images of the houses you are given a choice to Rob (costing 25 stamina) or to Peek (consumes 3 Knob Wrenches). Either option will reveal what the house has contained within it. Robbing Spree Robbing Board 2

Just be careful because like any good Neighborhood many of the houses have alarm systems which will halt your robbing spree.

How To Play 2

blog.mafiawars.com Robbing Spree

Q: What is an Alarm?
A: When you Rob a house, it is possible that you trigger any one of the following alarms, please make use of Peekoption to see what’s inside a house before you rob it.
Alarm:  Triggers a single alarm.
User-added image
2x Alarm:  Triggers two alarms.
User-added image
As soon as you activate an Alarm, the alarm counter on the top of the game window will be activated. If you activate 3 alarms, you will lose your Robbing Spree and your haul from that block.
Alarm Status:

User-added image


That Was Close In other words; ‘You Get Nothing!’


Just remember to ‘Grab Your Haul’ before that happens.

How To Play 3

User-added image

After you click on Grab Haul, the item(s) will be added to your inventory and a confirmation message will be displayed:
User-added image

Whether you get the ‘That Was Close’ Popup or you ‘Grab Your Haul’ you can redo this event as many times as your Knob Wrench count allows you to.

Welcome Back

Here is a video created by Zynga for the Robbing Spree Event;

** The video and some of the images and FAQ’s above are borrowed from blog.mafiawars.com Robbing Spree. Visit the Official Mafia Wars Blog for more FAQ questions and answers about the Robbing Spree event.

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