
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Find The Status Of Your SimCity Server

You can now check the server status that hosts you SimCity game before you login to Origin. Click the image or the link below to check yours;

Sim City Banner

Heads up, Mayors - you can now find the status of your SimCity server here: http://bit.ly/ZxB2Vq
What server are you building on?

SimCity Server Status




When you load the page it will look something similar to this;

Server Status

Server Status Description

Green Buttons = Available:
Available status means that this server is open to both new and returning players.

Red Buttons = Full:
If a server is listed as FULL, you will not be allowed to join that server unless you have an earlier city saved on it. If you already have a city saved on that server, the server will be accessible.

Yellow Buttons = Waiting Room:
When a server has very heavy volume, we will activate a waiting room timer that will place you in a queue to log-in. The waiting will be removed when traffic returns to a normal level. Remember, if a waiting room pops up, you can choose to play on a different server.

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Collectible Stat Cards Set 15

New sets of The Collectible Stats Cards continue to be added to the servers. I have no clue as to how many of these cards Zynga is actually selling, but somebody must be buying them.

Set 15 is color coded since the card names come in sets of Black, Blue, Red, Green, and Silver. Each series of images for this set is depicted below;

The Loots that you get a chance to drop when you complete a series of cards include a Sit Boy, Punch Dialer, Grimalkin, Pump Action, and a Cardiologist. When you complete ALL 5 series of cards you will be rewarded an Indian Elephant.



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Green Mystery Bags – Coming Soon

Green Mystery Bag Send Carbage Loot
Green Mystery Bag Banner

Green Mystery Bags will be available soon. The Green Mystery Bags will bring you Carbage. That’s what we all want in our inventories – Carbage.

Believe it-or-not, many people like to decorate their vehicles with everything ranging from decals and bumper stickers  to doodads and knickknacks.

Red Car With Decals Car With Trinkets

It’s almost like there is a sub-culture of car enthusiasts that modify their vehicles in these manners. Some of these cars that have been decorated in these various manners have been in parades and car shows.

Certainly there are some who will consider these modified cars as Carbage. But they do not understand the art or act of adding dolls or stickers to a vehicle. These auto-owners are resourceful in that they are finding new uses for what some may consider junk or trash.

Meanwhile, some of those who criticize or ridicule these auto owners might, themselves, visit art shows or even own artworks that depicts a canvas full of random lines, colors, and shapes that take no obvious forms and call that art.

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