You can now check the server status that hosts you SimCity game before you login to Origin. Click the image or the link below to check yours;
Heads up, Mayors - you can now find the status of your SimCity server here:
What server are you building on?
SimCity Server Status
When you load the page it will look something similar to this;
Green Buttons = Available:
Available status means that this server is open to both new and returning players.Red Buttons = Full:
If a server is listed as FULL, you will not be allowed to join that server unless you have an earlier city saved on it. If you already have a city saved on that server, the server will be accessible.Yellow Buttons = Waiting Room:
When a server has very heavy volume, we will activate a waiting room timer that will place you in a queue to log-in. The waiting will be removed when traffic returns to a normal level. Remember, if a waiting room pops up, you can choose to play on a different server.