
Monday, August 22, 2011


Epic Family Boss Fights

Cerulean Master, Super Moderator, posted some information about the Epic Family Boss Fight feature we were to see last week. We will probably see these "Epic Bosses" rollout soon so be ready with your bad ass Laser Squirrel!
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Default Epic Family Boss Fights

Hey Mafia Fans,

We're excited to announce your family will soon be facing some epic bosses, starting with Jeff The Knife. Usually, you are able to complete the Boss Fights on your own, but this time, it will take the collaborative strength of your family to defeat them! Hop on your Thai Centipede and pull your Laser Squirrel out because this will be no easy feat.

Feel free to share your feedback about this new feature here.


The Mafia Wars Team

New Epic Family Boss Fight Loot & Ammo

According to the Inventory History bookmarklet, 28 new loot items were added to our inventory.
The location says "unknown" but if you search for them in you inventory you will find they are all designated from the "Boss Fight" category. It looks like these Epic Boss Fights will be around for a while. Once the feature is added to the game, this will probably make more sense.
There are 4 new Ammo items that I'm going to assume are for this fight. I sure hope they drop better than what we see with the Raven.  In the inventory, all items are listed as dropping from jobs. We will know more once we get the feature.

Epic Boss Fight Items Removed

About an hour ago, I posted about the new Boss Fight items that were added to our inventory (1).  Don't bother looking for them because they have all been removed.  I guess I was lucky to get the screen shots. It is unknown at this time if players who already collected Ammo items will get to keep them.


Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast. 

I just want revenge. Is that so wrong?

I just want revenge. Is that so wrong?

I Went To War With Someone Today And By The Time My Page Refreshed The War Was Over And I Lost. I Can Assume That They May Have Been A Bot/Script Player. I Took The High Road Though. After The 8 Hour Clock Reset And I Could Declare War Again I Took The Same Player Back To War And Beat Them. I Should Expect That The Individual That I Targeted Will Likely Want Revenge. Hopefully, I Will Be Ready.  

Why were Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok closed? - An explanation

On Get Satisfaction, David Reedy Expressed His Insight Into Why Zynga Has Closed A Few Cities. David Also Wrote A Very Nice Description Of The Story-Line And The Neo-Imporium. I Thought That The Following Excert Deserved More Attention And Needed To Be Shared. It's A Good Read. Be Sure To Check Out The Original Thread On Get Satisfaction And Support David. 

World of Warcraft presently has almost 12-million worldwide players.
Each player pays for a monthly subscription of at least $15 per person generating revenues of almost $200-million per month for a single game.
People generally pay at least $40 for expansion packs in addition to their monthly subscription.

Mafia Wars (and all other Zynga games) are free to play.
The vast majority of its players do not pay for it... not now, not ever.
The burden of it lies entirely in the hands of those who DO pay for it.

As for missions, mini-games, events, modules, etc., the players themselves have said time and time again that they need more to do in the game.
Mafia Wars tries to accommodate all player's needs regardless of whether they pay to play or play for free.
But, I agree... event overload has become hard to deal with at times. And when it has become a burden, once again, the players spoke and Mafia Wars listened.

The greater majority of Mafia Wars players, especially the pay to play people, are fighters and/or in Families. They have very loud voices being mostly the paying representatives of ALL Mafia Wars players. Mafia Wars has tried to work with these people to better the fighting game for everyone.

Mafia Wars TRIES to please everyone. Unfortunately, there IS no pleasing everyone no matter how hard they try.

The integrity and stability of Zynga's servers is primary. It's hard to lay a stable foundation to 17-million+ registered Mafia Wars players with every new event, city, module, etc. that comes out. Slow rollouts are the only way they can guarantee that it won't crash the servers upon release to everyone.
If they offered a $40 CD with the expansions to players... things might be different. Unfortunately, this is not, and can not be, the way it works.

Fix The Triple Crown Best Operation Exp/Energy Ratio  2.53


Most Operation Jobs have very low experience/energy ratios and the payout often makes it not worth all the effort. There is one Operation that it the exception. Fix The Triple Crown has one job of interest.
Not all of the jobs are ratio worthy but check out the Financier position.
This is a pot of gold hiding in a field of crap. The experience/energy payout is 2.53. You'll have to spend a little bit of your New York cash but this $8,800 is a drop in the ocean. You won't find a better ratio unless you are a very low leveled player.
This is a common Operation so it doesn't take much time to find one. I use theOperation War Hunter by Team Spockholm. This will save you the hassle of going through your news feeds only to find the Operation is full.
The Operation War Hunter scans for Operations that have vacant spots (that same is true with Wars). You have the ability to select which Operations you want the scan to search for. Check "Scan for active operations" the select "Fix the Triple Crown".
In a 5 hour scan, I found 20 of these Operations and most had the Financier job available.
You won't always be happy with your reward.  When you are close to leveling but don't have much energy left, this job can help you out.
And once and a while you will get lucky and get a great loot item on top of it.

Thank You
Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast. 

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