
Friday, March 1, 2013

Facebook Timeline Redesign Tested In New Zealand

Good news may be coming soon for Facebook users that dislike the Facebook Timeline. ReadWrite.com posted a preview and some images of the New Zealand test Timeline. Please visit ReadWrite.com and like their post.

Here’s a reprint of their post;

Facebook Tests Timeline Redesign In New Zealand,

Here's What It Looks Like

Dan Rowinski yesterday

Facebook is testing a redesign of its Timeline feature on users in New Zealand. From the looks of it, the change is a subtle but significant shift to how the social giant organizes information on users' profiles.
We got a look at the redesign, courtesy of ReadWrite founder Richard MacManus, who resides in New Zealand. The first thing to pop out? Your friends, pictures, Likes and interests and notes are now organized as a column down the left side of Timeline.

Status updates are organized in a column on the right, next to where Facebook posts its "Sponsored" advertisements. The menu bar underneath the header image has changed and no longer shows preview boxes for Friends, Photos, Map and Likes.
For instance, here is what the top of Timeline currently looks like.

And here is what the top of Timeline will change to if Facebook rolls out the New Zealand redesign to the rest of the world:

As you progress down Timeline, your information, Likes and assorted other material you have posted on Facebook during the life of your account remains on the left, while status updates stay on the right.

Facebook may have a recurring problem with the new redesign in how it places old material you may have forgotten about. For instance, there are several old, slightly embarrassing posts in my long-abandoned "notes" column that would be prominently featured on the new Timeline. It is simple enough to go back to them and erase them, but that is the kind of user experience change that has gotten Facebook in trouble with its users in the past.
Facebook has long used the strategy of rolling out new features to be tested to remote parts of the world first before making them available to its billion+ users across the globe (especially those in the United States). New Zealand has been a favorite testing ground for Facebook - and many other Web companies - and often is the first region to see new design features. Facebook will collect user feedback and data from the tests use that to tweak the design before making the change official for the entire world.

New Zealand stamp images courtesy of Shutterstock.

March Calendar Of Free Fan Blast Points

March into some free fanblast points. All provided by the Mafia Wars Fanpage On Facebook.
March brings us back to skill points as Zynga has, apparently, decided to do away with the Arena Fanblasts. Just be aware that they could return.
Click the images every day to get that days free Fan Blast Point.

March St Patricks Day
March St Patricks Day Free Fanblast Points Hype

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
Skill Attack
Question Mark Arena Health Refill Quart Flair Meta Flair Pain Killer Skill Point Attack Point
Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Defense Health Energy Stamina Skill Attack Defense
Defense Point Health Point Energy Point Stamina Point Skill Point Attack Point Defense Point
Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Health Energy Stamina Skill Attack Defense Health
Health Point Energy Point Stamina Point Skill Point Attack Point Defense Point Health Point
Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Energy Stamina Skill Attack Defense Health Energy
Energy Point Stamina Point Skill Point Attack Point Defense Point Health Point Energy Point
Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Stamina Skill Attack Defense Health Energy Stamina
Stamina Point Skill Point Attack Point Defense Point Health Point Energy Point Stamina Point
Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider Shamrock Divider
Skill Point Kamikaze Drained Reflector Question Mark

Please bookmark this post and come back daily to retrieve your February Daily Fan Blasts.
Shamrock Divider
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March St Patricks Day Free Fanblast Points Matrix

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