
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Zynga White-Out


Zynga is currently facing a widespread white-out across many of its gaming platforms.

Zynga Customer Service

This is causing frustration, panic, and just all-around chaos with many players of many of the games.

Some players have resorted to posting some satirical images of the situation. Image like this one;

Zynga Errors 2

Which was found posted by Donnie Whitley. This gave us a good laugh that turned into an all-out hysterical gut-breaker when we stumbled upon the next image; Zynga Errors 1

There no need to worry though (sarcasm), Zynga is aware of the problems and are diligently working to fix them before they lose the remaining 250.000 daily players of Mafia Wars.

Zynga Errors 3 

Zynga Errors 4

Loading Issues for All Games

We are aware that there are some issues with accessing our games right now. Click here if you are being affected: http://zynga.tm/bS1 Thanks for your patience.


Keep posting the funny images because we love them.

Blockbuster Blitz Program


clapperboard *Click An Image To Go To Mission Part*
Lights On The Lady With Tights - Title LgThe Clown With Falling Pants - Title Lg Oedipus Vexxed - Title Lg Mystical Winning Hand - Title Lg The Plot Is Hot - Title Lg Off-Screen Action - Title Lg Lots Of Less Bother - Title Lg The Villains Last Stand - Title Lg Thats Entertainment - Title Lg The World Is A Stage - Title Lg

Blockbuster Blitz Active Edit Mafia Spirit Newspaper 1-15-13

The much anticipated timed mission, Blockbuster Blitz, has made it's way onto the list of current events within the Mafia Wars game.

The clock is already running and you now have under 16 days to rob, fight, do jobs and beg for loots.

Lisa Jennings is your hostess for the Blockbuster Blitz Mission. Be sure to read her quotes as you complete the 10 sets of objectives along your journey through the 10 parts to this mission. You will also pick up some cool loot along the way.

Once completed you will be rewarded with an Actor.

So what are you waiting for? Get to your local theater now.


Lights On The Lady With Tights - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 1 Objectives
Rewards Title
Arms Length Reward



The Clown With Falling Pants - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 1 Objectives
Rewards Title
Spirit Of Racing Reward



Oedipus Vexxed - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 3 Objectives
Rewards Title
Tasmanian Tiger Reward



Mystical Winning Hand - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 4 Objectives
Rewards Title
Gauge Shotgun Reward



The Plot Is Hot - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 5 Objectives
Rewards Title
Spirit Of Racing Reward Arms Length Reward



Off-Screen Action - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 6 Objectives
Rewards Title
Tasmanian Tiger Reward



Lots Of Less Bother - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 7 Objectives
Rewards Title
Gauge Shotgun Reward Spirit Of Racing Reward



The Villains Last Stand - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 8 Objectives
Rewards Title
Arms Length Reward Gauge Shotgun Reward



Thats Entertainment - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 9 Objectives
Rewards Title
Actor Reward



The World Is A Stage - Title Lg
Lisa Jennings Quote
Objectives Title
Part 10 Objectives
Rewards Title
Actor Reward



Mafia Spirit Actor

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