It took 17 days into the new 2013 Gregorian calendar for Zynga to release the “In With The New” Limited Edition Items and sales event.
For as late a release for this event as it may seem the title of the event is not indicative of anything new other than the loots that you have the opportunity of purchasing during the event.
The Fragile Crate Loot Items stats range from 195 A/D to 225 A/D.
You can keep track of your ‘qualifying’ purchases in the market place on the ‘In With The New’ purchase tracker. Or on the homepage banner (IF it remains visible there for the duration of this event).
Once you’ve made a minimum of 5 ‘qualifying’ purchases you will be rewarded a Bronze Level Stroberry. 10 ‘qualifying’ purchases upgrades your reward to a Silver Level Stroberry. 20 ‘qualifying’ purchases upgrades your reward to a Gold Level Stroberry. 25 ‘qualifying’ purchases upgrades your reward to a Ruby Level Stroberry.
If you don’t make 25 ‘qualifying’ purchases you just might make Vince Giorgio angry at you. And you don’t want to make Vince angry, do you?
Now, See that smile on Vince Giorgio’s face? He’s extremely happy that you made 25 ‘qualifying’ purchases.