
Thursday, January 17, 2013

In With The New

It took 17 days into the new 2013 Gregorian calendar for Zynga to release the “In With The New” Limited Edition Items and sales event.

In With The New Banner Edit

For as late a release for this event as it may seem the title of the event is not indicative of anything new other than the loots that you have the opportunity of purchasing during the event.

In With The New Limited Edition Loots

And most players will never see these loots in their inventories. They will more likely take advantage of the sale on the Fragile Crates instead.

At a cost of 6 RP the purchase of the Fragile crates appears to be the best deal. You will get 26 loot items for a total cost of 150 RP. That is 25 Fragile Crate loot items plus the prize for making 25 ‘qualifying’ purchases..

Fragile Crates

The Fragile Crate Loot Items stats range from 195 A/D to 225 A/D.

You can keep track of your ‘qualifying’ purchases in the market place on the ‘In With The New’ purchase tracker. Or on the homepage banner (IF it remains visible there for the duration of this event).

In With The New Purchase Tracker

Once you’ve made a minimum of 5 ‘qualifying’ purchases you will be rewarded a Bronze Level Stroberry. 10 ‘qualifying’ purchases upgrades your reward to a Silver Level Stroberry. 20 ‘qualifying’ purchases upgrades your reward to a Gold Level Stroberry. 25 ‘qualifying’ purchases upgrades your reward to a Ruby Level Stroberry.

In With The New Pop Edit

If you don’t make 25 ‘qualifying’ purchases you just might make Vince Giorgio angry at you. And you don’t want to make Vince angry, do you?

Vince Giorgio Furious

Now, See that smile on Vince Giorgio’s face? He’s extremely happy that you made 25 ‘qualifying’ purchases.

Vince Giorgio Smug 2

CoasterVille Cross Promotion


CoasterVille Logo

Zynga truly does have it’s very own roller coaster and it is available for your enjoyment in CoasterVille.

Roller Coaster

And now that the CoasterVille / Mafia Wars cross promotion is now active you all want to be my friend in CoasterVille.

CoasterVille Main Active Edit Maybe it’s just because of the cross promotion that you want to be my neighbor. Or maybe its because I have been playing the game since its launch. It doesn’t matter. We can still be neighbors either way.

As you can see in the image below I have made it to level 46.

CoasterVille Reward Active Edit This game has already gone through several changes (Mostly not good ones).

Hydrobike Ruby DetailsIf you wish to play CoasterVille for the lone reason of getting your Hydrobike you should be able to make it to level 15 rather easily. Meaning, within a few days of playing CoasterVille.

To help you along the way the following link is for CoasterVille Request Feeds On Facebook; http://tinyurl.com/CoasterVilleGamePostFeed

If you find that either you are having trouble in the game and need help or you find that you enjoy playing CoasterVille and wish to learn more about the game you might wish to visit the CoasterVille forums and read the official CoasterVille Guides. You can get there by following this link http://tinyurl.com/CoasterVilleOfficialGuides

Now that you are all set to enter CoasterVille there is just one last piece of information you need to know;

Must Be This High

Remember To Scream On The Rides

And Enjoy Playing CoasterVille

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