
Friday, March 15, 2013

Hot And New | Best Sellers | RP Sales | Group Sale

Maybe you’ve noticed, maybe you haven’t noticed, the new Group Sale loot item (Merlin Monarch) on the Featured Items module on the home page and in the Marketplace.

Merlin Monarch

These Group Sale items don’t usually appear to sell very well once they reach Silver level. Therefore, If you hurry you can get one cheap.

On the home page, if you click on the banner image of the Merlin Monarch Group Sale item you will be taken to the Marketplace where you can purchase yourself one.

Now for a laugh, while you are there and scroll to the bottom of the page and look at the Best Sellers and Hot & New Items;BestSellers March 2013

Seriously Zynga? A boost item (Vampire Batting) is your ‘Best Seller’? And, the ‘Best Sellers’ have worse stats than the Group Sales item does.

It gets funnier; click on the Hot & New tab.

Hot And New March 2013

If these loot items are Hot or New I think I’ll pass for the better, older loot. Don’t you think you should update these once in a while, Zynga?

If anyone is purchasing any of these loots they are wasting their RP’s they had just bought at 50% off for the Cutting Edge Sale.

Cutting Edge RP Sale

I do want to thank those for who are purchasing those loots because I need someone to beat while fighting. Winking smile

I’m going to buy some Apocalypse or St Patrick’s Day Crates instead. The loots are better and when they are on sale they are cheaper.

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