
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Richie’s Stash – Set 3 Loots And Parts

Richies Stash Build Banner Blank 2

Yes, this post may be coming a little late since we, Mafia Spirit, first posted the new Richie’s Stash Loots on the Mafia Spirit Facebook Fanpage on March 5th. I am an extremely busy individual, however. Busy playing Mafia Wars, researching for and writing blog posts, working my day job, raising my children, and tending my relationships with my spouse and friends makes this posting better late than never, I guess.

I would expect that the next Richie’s Stash will appear in Mafia Wars as early as tomorrow Monday, March 11th. It could be anytime within the week when it reappears in the game.

When Richie’s Stash does reappear there are a few minor issues looming that may cause a little confusion with some players. I am referring to some of the Feed image links not exactly matching the images that they link to.

I don’t want to spoil all your fun so I’ll let you guess, or figure out for yourself, which ones I’m referring to.

The loots that we will get to build include a Swordsmith, an NK Double Damage, a Golden-banded Butterfly, a Golden Catch, a Deadly Combo, a Fruit Bomb, some Sonic Bolas, and a Battalion.

The Bronze, Silver, and Gold mastery reward loot will be a Steel Fury.

The four parts you will be asking your friends for include a Golden Wrench, a Sharpening Stone, a Dynamite Watermelon, and some Steel Spheres.

With the Steel Spheres in the game Zynga can now answer Kixeye’s question; “Who’s Got Balls Of Steel?” with “We Do! And They Are In Our Game!”

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