
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Discount On Psychology Crates

Discount Psychology Crate

At first we didn’t really feel it was necessary to blog about this since many of you may have already logged into Mafia Wars and received a pop-up announcing a discount on 3 Psychology Crates.

Some of you may have been offered 20% off or a cost of 28 RP to get 3 Psychology Crates.20 Off Psychology Crate Others may have been offered 30% off or a cost of 24 RP to get 3 Psychology Crates.30 Off Psychology Crate 

Then I logged into Mafia Wars and I got this deal:

100 Off Psychology Crate

And I have just enough RP on hand to get this exclusive deal. Maybe I’ll buy 2. I’m not sure yet.

Stranger’s Swag – Carbon Fiber Arm


Carbon Fiber Arm

The Stranger’s Swag has returned. With this arrival the Stranger isn’t going to be strong armed. She will help you defeat your enemies by giving you up to 5 Carbon Fiber Arms.

Strangers Swag BannerCarbon Fiber Arm Details

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