
Monday, July 30, 2012

The New Lucky Stash Loots Are Available

Lucky Stash InGame Lucky Stash Pop Up

The Lucky Stash Has Been Updated and the loots are now available.


As you can see the current jackpot (shown in the above image) isn’t very high as in comparison to past winners. You can read more about that here; Lucky Stash Winners Rate Drops As DAU Drops.

Earn 2X Fight Rewards

Angry Avatar

Who’s ready to fight?

2x Fight Promo July 30 2012From now until August 3rd, 2012, at 3 AM EST (Midnight PDT) you can earn 2 times the loot while fighting in any location.  2x Fight July 30 2012 Pop Up So be fast and be furious and earn your double loot while you fight.

2x Fight July 30 2012Ok, there really isn’t much to fight for right now since everyone is likely maxed on the latest fight loots.

Therefore, it really doesn’t matter much.

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