
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

7 Day Sales Event Coming Soon

7 Day Loot Sale

Loots for the next 7 day loot sales event have been added to the inventory. The loots that players will have an opportunity to purchase in this progressive sale include a Chronic Pain, Spiked Junior, Mad hacker, Chiropractor, Milking Devon, Scarf-Ace, and Lethal Boost.

Chronic Pain 3 Spiked Junior 3 Mad Hacker 3
Chiropractor 3 Milking Devon 3 Scarf-Ace 3
Tag Green Sale Lethal Boost 3 Tag Red Sale

Collector’s Special

How would you like to get your hands on one of these items?

Beautician Carpet Shark Ballista Triple Speed

You have the capability in the Collector’s Special sales gimmick.

Collectors Special Banner 8 20  2013

For $14 you can have 1 of each added to your inventory. And that can be a beautiful thing. Just don’t forget to tip the Beautician.

South Africa Starter Pack Sale

South Africa Starter Pack Parts

South Africa Starter Pack Banner

Blood. Sweat. Diamonds. Here’s a great deal to help you hold your competition captive. Get everything you need to mine the depths of South Africa- at an amazing discount!

Choose your tools of the trade, and prepare to take the Savanna by storm.

For $30 you can acquire all the following;

South Africa Starter Pack Pop

This is a one time purchase only. And I wanted to buy 2.

20 Free Tested Pyn Consumables


Tested Pyn

Wow, many of us do not get these free gifts every time they are given out so this is a pleasant surprise. Players are advised to check your Facebook App Center’s under the Mafia Wars feeds and hopefully everyone will receive 20 Free Tested Pyn’s today.

Tested Pyn 20 Free

The Tested Pyn’s may not be as exciting a free gift as some loots have been. They may, however, help some players who are struggling to complete the Bloemfontein District (3) in South Africa.


Dist 3 Job 1 3 Circle


The Tested Pyn’s do drop from the ‘Reach The Medical Facility Without Being Noticed’ job in the Bloemfontein District (District 3) of South Africa. 


Reach The Medical Facility Without Being Noticed

Dist 3 Job 2 3 Circle


The Tested Pyn’s are then consumed in the ‘Gain Access To The Disease Containment Chamber’ job within the Bloemfontein District.


Gain Access To The Disease Containment Chamber

Bonus District


And in some jobs within the Joburg (Bonus) District.



Jouburg Jobs 1

I’d show you more, but why spoil all the fun.

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