D’ya wanna have some fun.
Let’s say that Mafia Wars made the following announcement of changes to Mafia Wars;
Coming soon to a Mafia-Wars game near you....... In the coming weeks there will be some changes made to the attack system. The most visible change will be the implementation of ammunition for guns. If you run out of ammunition, you will switch to a backup melee weapon, and NOT another gun. This means if you do not maintain your ammo stockpiles, you could be left bringing a knife (or other melee weapon) to a gun fight. This will potentially enable weaker players to beat stronger players that run out of ammo.
In the next couple of days you will see ammo appearing in the shops available for purchase. You will also find that the inventory page now indicates the type of ammo a given weapon uses. It is your responsibility to buy the proper ammo for your weapons, and there are going to be some similar ammo names. Don't buy .50 Caliber BMG ammo thinking it will work in your Desert Eagle, it won't work.
Another change that you will see is when mugging another player, you will now gain certain items on top of money. You will not be able to steal Support Packs, but other items may be available for theft. The exact items that will be available are still yet to be determined. Items preceded by an asterisk (*) in the inventory can be stolen when you are mugged, so you will have an idea of what you may lose if you get mugged.
Finally, when this change goes live, everyone will be credited with a certain amount of ammo for each type of gun in their inventory, so any inactive/infrequent players aren't at a disadvantage right away. But then again, if a player is inactive or does not come on very much, chances are they aren't going to be reading this before the change goes live, so we're not sure why we are announcing this.
If there are any questions, please direct them to a member of staff. Stay tuned for more updates. Same Bat time, same Bat channel. ~MW Staff
I would think that the announcement above, if true, would make Mafia Wars more like Mafia Wars 2.
What do you think? Would you like these changes to Mafia Wars?