
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Liars, Cheaters, And Hypocrites Believe You Are An Idiot

Sometimes you get further talking to a wall than you do talking with people.

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“For those who are unable to respect the playing styles of others, there is a new Spocklet called the Idiot-a-Nator. If only this could permanently remove the Mafia Wars applications for those who qualify.”

The individual who wrote the above statement knows who they are. Apparently they believe that we, Mafia Spirit and others, are idiots if we do not agree with their BULLSHIT!

“I really don’t care what people say or think but I do stand by my statement that nobody has a right to criticize anyone in this game (at least not on my site).”

They “really don’t care what people say or think” about comments where they make derogatory statements of others. Like their shit don’t stink. Like they are better than you and I.

I ask, Who the ____ are they to tell me, you or anyone else that they don’t have a right to say or criticize anything? I will criticize anything I wish to (or don’t like) about the game because I DO have a right to do so. Just like they have a right to believe that I don’t have a right to even if they are wrong. The first Amendment gives me (and them) that right! Of course there may be repercussions for what I or they say.

Now, if they really don’t care what anyone has to say about certain things, ideas, concepts, game features, etc, then why do they need to say anything at all about what others say? Why must they tell you that you don’t have a right to say something that might be negative about a feature within the game?  Why do they continue to post about it?

They can ask all the same questions of me.

For me, as to why I write about these issues, it is about defending the little guys. It’s about integrity. It’s about fairness. It is about respect! It IS about what I believe IS best for the game.

Do you believe that anyone deserves to be called an ‘idiot’ just because they might have a differing viewpoint or opinion than someone else does? I don’t. But, this is not the first time that those whom I speak about have called others ‘idiots’. They are also accusing of of not respecting others playing styles;

“For those who are unable to respect the playing styles of others”

That comment is grossly inaccurate. We have never stated anything about players style of play other than the use of scripts IS a cheat. What we are criticizing IS Zynga, the Scripts, and certain features that we see (or believe) that have hurt the game in some manner. More specifically, this debate is about any (and all) feature(s) that have a leaderboard to determine players who are rewarded for finishing in the top 10.

We are NOT criticizing the players because they are only using the tools in which Zynga and the script writers have provided them.

We are also upset because you ARE being blatantly lied to. When these people make comments like;

“As you can see from the post I made about it, I’ve been against these types of events from the start”

They provide a link to an old post where, as evidence to their claim, they made statements like 

“Not too long ago, Zynga warned us not to abuse scripts then changed their stance to don’t use scripts at all. Since then, many of us have modified our behavior in fear that Zynga would start taking more serious action than the lame warning popup that some players (to include those who don’t even use scripts) have been getting for years.”

Who has a shovel? I’m knee deep in the hoopla….. Oh, and there’s more;

“The Let The Ices Begin Family Ice Event encourages script use in every way shape and form. There is a nice leaderboard “glorifying” the top 4 families who get the most ices and Zynga even claims that these are the strongest in Mafia Wars. Most realize the number of ices you get does not correlate to strength but correlates to how many hours you are willing to run your fight scripts during the event. You know as well as I do that none of these families are fighting manually as Zynga says we should do. In the end those who choose to use scripts and blatantly show it are going to be rewarded with a loot item.”

They further exemplify the necessity to use the scripts in the next paragraph;

“Nothing about this event make sense. There is no bully throttle, players are encouraged and bribed with loot to be on the leaderboard and it's really a contest of let the best script abusers win. Its like taking a group of recovered crack addicts on a field trip to a crack house.”

The only point in the entire article that ‘might’ imply a stance against these leaderboard types of events is when it is stated;

“Mafia Wars has pulled some pretty crazy stunts in the past and I would rank Let The Ices Begin up there with the Snoop Dogg incident”

No! That comment IS NOT a direct stance against these events and features! In the last paragraph it’s buried anyway when it is implied to be patient because their co-horts who write the scripts will figure away around the problems with this statement;

“If Let The Ices Begin is a sting by Zynga to ban accounts that are abusing scripts than this is phase one of the assimilation process. Team Spockholm is smart enough not to put all their eggs in one basket.”

Sure, they will argue that that was just part of a joke. But puhlease, WE ARE NOT THAT STUPID! We can read between the lines at what was implied!

We’ve already pointed out other contradictive statements. Such as;


I’d say that with considering all the facts one can only deduce that this individual only states what they believe whomever they are speaking to at any given time wants to hear.

“I’ve been against these types of events from the start”

If you believe those words then why didn’t you take a more pronounced stance against these Leaderboard type of events? More like this stance from WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2012:

Let The Ices Begin

or when WE stated in our post called

Ice ‘Em All - ICEBOARD – Ice ‘Em All

This kind of feature would have been an OK, at best, idea if the game were new. These kinds of features do not really mean anymore than bragging rights and will get boring rather quickly. Especially when the same players are at the top each time it resets. You know, those players that topped the Death By Ice event. Other than those players, WHO CARES? This is just another feature for them.

For the rest of us, If rewards will be involved it may make this interesting for a minute. However, that would just lead to some players finding ways to cheat.

Ultimately this feature is just going to take up space on Zynga’s servers. Many players won’t care to even check on it unless they need to collect something.

Who’s been against what? Since when?

Mad Man Loves Loot Lady 2

Who’s an idiot?

It must take one to know one

FYI, I will continue to post whatever I want – This IS my blog after-all. Funny, where have I heard those words before?? ………It IS what TRUE fan blogs do. That is we post our opinions, the good, the bad, and the ugly, as we see it.

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