
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stranger’s Swag – Basilisk (The Jesus Lizard)

Basilisk Feed

The Stranger has returned from a trip to Central America with a bunch of Basilisks that she is giving away.

According to Wikipedia The Common Basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus) is a lizard found in Central and South American rainforests near rivers and streams. The basilisk is part of the corytophanid family. It is also known as the Jesus Lizard, Jesus Christ Lizard, orLagarto de Jesus Cristo for its ability to run on the surface of water.

The Common Basilisk is named for the creature of Greek mythology made up of parts of a rooster, snake, and lion which could turn a man to stone by its gaze: the Basilisk.[2] Its generic, specific and common names all derive from the Greekbasilískos (βασιλίσκος) meaning "little king".


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