
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Cornerstone – Building A Community

Ivankov Dimitrovich

You can just see the excitement on Ivankov Dimitrovich’s face about the next Limited Time Mission and Gifting Event. He looks like how many of us feel about the over-burdening of events and sales, etc. The next limited time mission will be called ‘The Cornerstone.’

Cornerstone BannerThere is a bit of irony on the banner. If you read the sub-caption it reads “Just because you built it, doesnt mean you own it.”  This caption could be used to relate the images and features in the game that are used by us bloggers. Just because we screenshot the images it doesn’t mean that we own them. They are still property of Zynga’s even though Zynga has permitted use of them in our blogs for the purposes of tutorial and discussion. You can read about Zynga’s guidelines for use of THEIR images and in-game material on our About page or by visiting Zynga’s Fansite Guidelines page. You can also read more about Fair Use here.

But some still seem to think that they are the only ones who have rights to post Zynga’s images or tutorials about the game. Some still publicly accuse others of copycatting them even though anyone and everyone who wants to, or knows how to, locate the images and post them onto their blogs.

Some people just do not seem to realize that the Mafia Wars community is dying and if we stood together as players, bloggers, associates, comrades, etc and we helped each other and maybe even shared a little info (as http://mistyfiedmafiawars.blogspot.com/ and I have done and even made guest posts on each others blogs) then maybe we could salvage this dying game.

But, you cannot build a foundation without laying the cornerstone first. And you need the right person to lay that cornerstone. Otherwise, the building might fall.


The cornerstone (or foundation stone) concept is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.

Over time a cornerstone became a ceremonial masonry stone, or replica, set in a prominent location on the outside of a building, with an inscription on the stone indicating the construction dates of the building and the names of architect, builder and other significant individuals. The rite of laying a cornerstone is an important cultural component of eastern architecture and metaphorically in sacred architecture generally.

The origins of this tradition are vague but its presence in Judeo-Christian countries can be associated with one quotation from the Old Testament (Psalm 118:22) cited six times in the New Testament (Matthew 21:42,Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11,Ephesians 2:20 and 1 Peter 2:7)and Isaiah 28:16quoted by the writer of the Book of 1st Peter 1 Peter. The writer of the Book of Ephesians makes clear that Jesus is the cornerstone, of a faith rather than a building, referred to in the Old TestamentEphesians 2:20 .


  1. There is a bit of irony in this post. The first time I encountered you and learned of your site, you accused me of copying your site even though mine has been around much longer. On two other occasions, you came to my fan page and accused fans and myself of taking information from you. Yes Zynga owns the images but you have no right to pull them from other blogs as you need to take them from your own game. If I spend money to get images and I see they were posted here without reference then it's wrong and a copyright violation according to DCMA. If you do your own work, it's not copying. If you copy an image from another blog it is. It's quite simple. When I use or find information from others, I always reference or give credit. For example, Leonard Wong found the images you just posted here in the server. Yes they belong to Zynga but if you want people to read your site, it's the right thing to do to give him credit. Everybody knows that you don't do that and we all know where you get your information. It's obvious. If you didn't act this way, maybe the sites that people actually read would come together with you and you would in turn have more readers. Maybe I would have allowed you to guest blog on my site or I would reference your posts if they contained original content. Your attitude of trying to beat the system and defy blogger etiquette is why your site is not growing after all this time.

    1. 1. Thought you didn't read my blog. But thanks for being a reader afterall.
      2. If I search the servers myself and change a number in the coding or type an different series of letters in how did I not find the image even if someone else also found it to my unknowing? Why do I need to credit anyone?
      3. If I post an image that is on Zynga's servers I have stolen NOTHING from you. Get over yourself!
      4. You have NEVER referenced ANY image that I FOUND first. In fact, you have told me that "If you didn't see it then it didn't happen". Why are the rules of "blogger etiquette" different for you than you try to hold others to.
      5. You are really good at throwing around accusations without proof.
      6. This post wasn't original? You made this post saying what I stated somewhere? Where?
      7. Who IS Leonard Wong? I don't know him.
      8. My blog is...oh, how did you put it....oh yeah, "insignificant". If my blog is sooo "insignificant" why are you worried about it (me)?
      9. I have not blocked nor censored you. Even your above comment will stay so that everyone can see you for who you truly are.
      10. Thank you for responding and proving my point!

      I never intended to compete with you in the game or with the blog. I have made NO MONEY from my blog. This blog was meant for a portion of the player base that IS NOT represented fairly. That being the 'free' players. My intentions were to show that the game can still be played by those players. Maybe I haven't made that clear enough, but it was my intent.

    2. I read this because one of the persons you accused of stealing information from you in the past showed it to me. My blog represents free players. If only those who spent money read it, the number of followers I have would be much less. You have to spend money to show the free players what's in store. It's just funny that your arguments to me are the same ones we used when you accused us of the same thing. You should know who Leonard Wong is because like all my other admins who have had to defend themselves against your unfounded accusations was made fan of the week on your page. I don't worry about your blog or others and support many of them. I do worry about you falsely accusing me of things. I don't see any of it as competition. I have my readers and they are all I worry about. Once you get enough readers you will make money on your ads. To do that, if you want, you can't go around making false accusations at people and you need to get other sites that have an audience to like and support you. Until you do that word about your site won't get out. It's very simple. I've tried to tell you this in the past but you don't listen and keep pushing the issue. From what I read on this post, you were making it clear that it was found on another site and felt you were justified to not give anyone credit. Maybe if you credited other players, they would feel honored and start reading your posts.

    3. You said, "I do worry about you falsely accusing me of things." All I have to say is do you want to be the pot or the kettle.

      You said, "I read this because one of the persons you accused of stealing information from you in the past showed it to me." Do you mean like you do? That is make false allegation after false allegation of me and who knows who else of copying you? You mean like demanding credit be given persons who found items on the servers first like all I tried to point out to you and that person you speak of? You mean like the onslaught of you and your admins flooding my fanpage when I honestly spoke of posting something first (which i did because of all your false accusations). Like the image above of the top reward which I found and you won't give me credit for finding (Which I don't give a shit if I am given credit for finding it)! But when people are falsely accused and slandered and the defamation of ones character is being is being slung with total disregard to all you claim to be about you should know that people will not stand to tolerate your 'Goody Two Shoes', 'I'm Holier Than Though Art', 'It's All About Me' BULLSHIT! And you have the audacity to post on your blog the following; "Trolling is not welcomed. If you don't have something constructive to add, go back under your bridge" Then you come trolling here and do the exact opposite! Hypocrite! Again I say "Why are the rules of 'blogger etiquette' different for you than you try to hold others to?"

      The truth is that you're pissed that someone else knows how to do similar things as you and you want to be number one soo bad! The truth is you can't handle the truth! The truth is that if everyone's nose isn't up your ASS telling you how wonderful you are you single them out and slander, ridicule, backstab, talk down to and about, and whatever other derogatory things that you can do to them. And I'm sorry, you should hold yourself to higher standards like your fans hold you to. It comes with being a PAC member who is 'supposed' to represent the players. It comes with being the most recognizable name in the Mafia Wars community even if it only because of your blog and podcast. It comes with self respect and being dignified. Any similarities between what I may do or have going on here is only flattery but you ARE blinded by your own ego. Get Over Yourself!


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