
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Example Of CC Players Driving Down The DAU

On the Mafia Wars Forums A thread was started with the title Last VIP Loot Released 17 Days Ago. The OP asked this question;

Last VIP Loot released 17 days ago...OP“Remind me again why I am spending $24.97 a month?”

In response to the OP’s question we presented our rebuttal.

rebut (rɪˈbʌt)

vb , -buts , -butting , -butted

( tr ) to refute or disprove, esp by offering a contrarycontention or argument

re'buttable  adj       re'buttal n

We opened our argument by asking a few blunt and direct questions followed by the list of VIP perks and one more question.  

How often do you want 'NEW' VIP Loot? How fast do you want to chase non-VIP players away from the game? Do you even want a game left to play?
Your VIP perks will keep you ahead of the free players so why are you whining about the loots?
Is all this not enough for you?

On subscription

Weekly delivery of 50 Reward Points and an exclusive limited edition loot item

At least one Skill Point reallocation can be purchased anytime, everyday

Extra VIP loot drops from doing jobs, fighting and robbing
4th month of continuous subscription

All Bronze benefits

+500 Attack, +500 Defense added to your mafia strength

Two additional VIP loot drop items available from doing jobs, fighting and robbing

50% increase in chances of getting VIP Loot drops
8th month of continuous subscription

All Silver benefits

+500 Attack, +500 Defense added to your mafia strength

Ability to reallocate additional 100 Skill Points every day

Extension of Limited Time Properties by five days
13th month of continuous subscription

All Gold benefits

One free Harbinger of Havoc (353 Attack, 353 Defense) *

One time bonus of 100 Reward Points

+1000 Attack, +1000 Defense added to your mafia strength

Ability to purchase a maximum of four additional Harbinger of Havoc (353,353)

Ability to claim one additional exclusive Limited Edition item every week

20% discount on all standard marketplace LE items
19th month of continuous subscription

All Ruby benefits

One free Harbinger of Destruction (403 Attack, 403 Defense) *

One time bonus of 200 Reward Points

+1000 Attack, +1000 Defense added to your mafia strength

Ability to purchase a maximum of four additional Harbinger of Destruction (403,403)

Receive double punches on your rewards card for all Reward Point purchases

Early access to new game features
*This item's Attack and Defense stats will increase every week.
Unsubscribing will cause you to lose all existing VIP membership benefits and progression.
Re-subscribing post cancellation will reset your VIP membership benefits to the Bronze level.

The real question is why are the 'FREE' players still playing and NOT where is my VIP loot!!!!!

In a later post we also stated this;

The point I was trying to make is that Zynga CANT allow the VIP Members to acquire too much of an advantage or you and I would quit because it simply would not be worth it for us to continue to be the VIP players punching bags. They need us as much as the free players need them so Zynga needs to keep us close (but not too close and yet not too far apart either). Otherwise, you will only have VIP players or money spending players left and the ones who cant keep up with the spending will quit too.

As it turned out, we were (not so) kindly answered by the OP. The OP responded with this comment;Last VIP Loot released 17 days ago....

“How often do you want 'NEW' VIP Loot? How fast do you want to chase non-VIP players away from the game? Do you even want a game left to play?

Your VIP perks will keep you ahead of the free players so why are you whining about the loots?
Is all this not enough for you?

Since you asked:
1. As fast as they gave it out the first 2 months they took my money.
2. I could care less about any other player
3. All things come to an end
4. Whining? get over yourself. Seriously. And I should care about the people NOT paying to play this game how again? I care about them as much as they care about me. Which is ZERO.
5. No

Anything else I can answer for you?

And if you for one second think that those of us that are paying are doing so to only be kept close to a free player you need to seriously let some air out of your head. And the "The real question is why are the 'FREE' players still playing and NOT where is my VIP loot!!!!!"
Tell ya what slick you ask your questions and don't tell me what questions I should ask or what is the real question. Start your own thread and you can word any of your own questions any way you want.”

Our response was;

I guess you'll always have your right hand........for when there is no more Mafia Wars!

Reread what I said! I said that is what Zynga needs to do. I never said that is what you nor any other snot-nosed money spender is doing. Spending your daddy's money on this game doesn't mean YOU own it! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!

Thank you, but I asked my question in the proper thread. And I worded it just the way I wanted to. But, thank you for playing.

Seriously Dude

We admit that our response is a little ‘over-the-top’ but, although we can’t spend tons of money on Mafia Wars, we DO LOVE THIS GAME TOO! And, furthermore, it PISSES US OFF that those who are lucky enough to have the finances to spend on this game treat us free players like shit!

I do know this, those that do have money wouldn’t be caught dead in my ‘real-life’ neighborhood. It IS BENEATH THEM! They do not understand the daily struggles that many of us have to endure. This game keeps us off the streets and out of ‘real-lifes’ harms way!

Contrary to the OP’s opinion that we don’t care about them is absolutely false. In fact, we envy them! We appreciate the fact that they pay for some of the features in the game. We understand that it takes money to keep the game free for us to play.

It is now apparent that it is too much to ask those who do spend money on the game to return some of that appreciation and understanding because we ‘FREE’ playing players are just in the money spending players way. 

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