
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New (Unknown) Event Coming Soon

There is a bunch of loot that had been added to the inventory today. The irony is that I had checked for new loot in the inventory around 6 AM (EDT) and found none. So I went fishing and returned home at 2 PM (EDT). I’m still catching up with all the new stuff.

Among the loots that had been added to the inventory are a whole bunch of loots that have the word ‘Hydraulic’ within the names. Here’s a look;

Hydraulic LootsThe items include Hydraulic Cannons and Hydraulic Hippos that range from Bronze level to Emerald level. There is also a Hydraulic Cylinder that is an extra item (or consumable).

Hydraulic Cannon

Hydraulic Cannon EmeraldHydraulic Cannon Ruby  Hydraulic Cannon Gold Hydraulic Cannon Silver Hydraulic Cannon Bronze

Hydraulic Hippo

Hydraulic Hippo Emerald Hydraulic Hippo Ruby Hydraulic Hippo Gold Hydraulic Hippo Silver Hydraulic Hippo Bronze

Hydraulic Cylinder

Hydraulic CylinderIf there weren’t Emerald items we would speculate these being part of a secret district. Then again, they would not be classified as ‘Special Event’.

We could also speculate that these loots may have something to do with the ‘Raven’ returning. Thanks to our question in the Q and A we do know The Raven will be returning. Is this part of it? We don’t know for sure.


Will the Boss Fights return to Mafia Wars (like Lily 'o The Valley)? In addition, will the top rewards (w/ 200+ Att/Def) become more achievable? Too many players have never witnessed anyone in their family ever receiving one.


yes, we are trying to do something fun for the next one. I Requiescat that you stay tuned

It could also be a family related mission which we also asked about in the Q and A.


Since we have the family module, Will we ever see a family mission or quest where different members within a given family will have different tasks to complete separate from other family members but all contribute to the same family mission?


That's a fantastic idea. Families are a very important aspect of the game for us. We have been thinking along similar lines. Can't promise you a timeline/ release date for this feature, but stay tuned. And help us make the game better!
Your friendly neighborhood game designer!

The Hydraulic loot items could be for something completely new and different. However, do not suspect for one second that things like Ice Seasons and Mafia Poker are forgotten. ice seasons Mafia Poker Episode 6 Banner

In fact, I am expecting both to return to us soon.

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