
Monday, February 25, 2013

More On The Daily Fix

Many players are curious about the ‘Daily Fix’. Some because they don’t have it yet and others simply because it’s a new feature. Then there are those who already decided that they don’t like it because it’s too slow or will take too long to master.

It is my belief that this event will be progressive. Meaning, as we reach Silver, Gold, and Ruby levels the tasks will become progressively more difficult. Remember that this is Zynga that we are talking about. Therefore, rest assured there will likely come a point when players will likely need to spend some RP’s.

With that said, we can enlighten you with some facts that were not mentioned in the FAQ’s

1. It has come to light that not all players will have the same task on a given day.

Some players had to do 5 jobs in London.

Task Daily Clip 1 Do 5 Jobs In London e

Some had to rob 2 times in New York.

Task Daily Clip 1 Do 5 Jobs In London f

And some had to fight 6 opponents in Chicago.

Task Daily Clip 1 Fight 6 Opponents In Chicago g

There are many other possible tasks that players had to do. We asked on our Mafia Spirit Facebook page which task you had so that we could see all the possibilities.


2. For those who had to do 5 jobs in London the jobs in the ‘Round and Round’ Secret District counted toward the task.

Task Daily Clip 1 Do 5 Jobs In London bTask Daily Clip 1 Do 5 Jobs In London c

3. For completing the task today you are rewarded with a Twice Shy.Task Daily Clip 1 Do 5 Jobs In London d

Clip 1 Reward Twice Shy


4. The Daily Fix is designed to try to get you to play daily.


** Check back with Mafia Spirit for more updates as we get them.

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